

I completed my Ph.D. in Philosophy at UCLA in the fall of 2021. I am currently a Dean’s Postdoctoral Scholar at Florida State University. Here is my CV.



I specialize in ethics, moral psychology, and the philosophy of action. My dissertation was on irony and morality. My current research focuses on an array of topics, including: anger, contentment, akrasia, the relationship between beneficence and aggregation, the value of collecting, G.E.M. Anscombe’s account of motives, and the difficulty of representing virtue as its own reward in games.

My article, “On Not Being ‘Worth It,’” recently appeared in Ergo.

My article, “The Virtues of Transparent Akrasia,” is provisionally forthcoming in Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility (vol. 9).


In 2023-24, I taught a general undergraduate introduction to philosophy and a historical survey of aesthetics. Here are my teaching evaluations.